她价值创始人Lily Jin对以葛音为代表的侵权人的郑重声明Definitive Statement by Lily Jin, Founder of HerValue, Addressing the Infringements Committed by Yin Ge and Her Associates


我是她价值HerValue的创始人Lily Jin,她价值HerValue是一个专注于女性在金融和资产管理领域赋能的互助公益平台。然而,今天,我不得不以受害者的身份,站出来揭露一系列对我和她价值HerValue的严重不道德行为。





·       在未经我同意的情况下,擅自转移她价值HerValue微信账户的所有权;

·       未经我授权,非法转移她价值HerValue网站的所有权;

·       擅自以她价值HerValue的名义创建微信社群,进行未经授权的活动;

·       假冒她价值HerValue创始人的身份,进行虚假宣传;

·       擅自更改她价值HerValue的名称,试图淡化我的创始人地位。








Dear Readers,

I am Lily Jin, the founder of HerValue, a mutual assistance and philanthropic platform dedicated to empowering women in the financial and asset management sectors. Today, I must step forward as a victim to expose a series of unethical actions that have been directed against me and HerValue.

In 2020, I decided to embark on a new career and personal development opportunity in the financial and asset management industry. At the same time, I deeply recognized the similar circumstances faced by many women in the industry. To support myself and other women alike to receive more support, I chose to create a platform in my personal capacity, investing my own capital, time, and resources outside of my full-time job—a platform where we could support each other and grow together. Driven by this vision, I founded HerValue in April 2021. I firmly believed that through my selfless efforts, HerValue could become a beacon for empowering women in the financial and investment management fields, providing empowerment for myself and countless other women striving in this industry.

From the moment I founded HerValue in April 2021, I continuously invested significant personal energy, time, and resources into creating strict community guidelines and operating principles to ensure that this philanthropic platform could steadily progress in a highly competitive industry with a mission-driven focus. All these efforts were undertaken alongside my full-time job, with no expectation of any return, solely to better empower myself and other women and to make society a better place. By January 2023, in just a year and a half, I had led HerValue to expand from Beijing to Shanghai, successfully hosting numerous high-quality events that helped hundreds of women achieve both professional and personal growth in the financial and investment management sectors.

The success of my work in HerValue is not only reflected in the number of events and participant feedback but also in the widespread recognition I received. HerValue’s influence gradually extended to broader industry circles, earning high praise from academia and industry experts. My work has been well-documented and recognized in several academic publications, industry conferences, and journals, as shown in the appendix. Behind HerValue’s achievements are countless days and nights of hard work, sacrifices, and dedication to the cause of empowering women.

However, just as HerValue was poised to further empower more women in the industry, HerValue and I became victims of a series of unethical actions between March and April 2023. A group of individuals, led and represented by a person named Yin Ge, disregarded my hard work and significant contributions, taking malicious actions to harm both HerValue and I, as evidenced in the appendix:

·       Transferring the ownership of HerValue’s WeChat account without my consent.

·       Transferring the ownership of HerValue’s website without my authorization.

·       Creating WeChat groups under the name of HerValue without authorization and conducting unauthorized activities.

·       Falsely representing as the founder of HerValue, engaging in deceptive promotions.

·       Unilaterally changing HerValue’s name to diminish my role as the founder.

In the face of these serious violations, I chose patience and tolerance. Over the past year and a half, despite immense mental pressure, I remained committed to HerValue’s mission, continuing to support the platform’s core principles of mutual assistance by mentoring college students in their career development. I once believed that HerValue’s mission and values could inspire people to make the right choices. However, my prolonged patience did not result in their remorse but instead encouraged further violations.

Recently, an organization called “HerGrowth,” founded by Ge Yin, publicly claimed in their video channel and WeChat public account that HerValue was the predecessor of their new organization. Furthermore, this organization continues to misuse content that I created and hold copyrights to, as well as the HerValue name, as evidenced in the appendix. This is not only a severe desecration of my years of effort but also a betrayal of the mission to empower women in the industry.

I hereby solemnly declare that Ge Yin and her associates must immediately issue a public apology to me and remove all unauthorized content from their “HerGrowth” WeChat public account and website. They must immediately cease all unethical and harmful actions against me and HerValue. I am also attaching my lawyer statement of the same.

HerValue is not just a philanthropic platform; it is the culmination of my years of hard work and dedication to empowering women in the industry. I will not tolerate anyone continuing to trample on its reputation and value. I thank everyone for the support you have given me during this process. Let us stand together to defend justice and morality and contribute to the cause of empowering women.



August 19th, 2024

附录 – Lily Jin是她价值创始人的证明  Evidence that Lily Jin is the Founder of HerValue

附录 - 未经我同意转移微信账户所有权 Transferring the ownership of HerValue’s WeChat account without my consent.

附录 – 未经我授权转移 转移网站所有权 Transferring the ownership of HerValue’s website without my authorization.

附录–擅自以她价值 HerValue的名义进行未经授权的活动 擅自更改她价值 HerValue的名称,试图淡化我的创始人地位 Falsely representing as the founder of HerValue, engaging in deceptive promotions.

附录– 未经过我的同意使用我的版权内容 Using my copyright content without my authorization and using HerValue as a reference without my authorization


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