2023 HerValue Mentorship Program Celebrates Successful Completion 2023年她价值辅导计划圆满收官
The world is witnessing a monumental shift in the landscape of investments, and nowhere is this transformation more exciting than in China. With less than three decades of history in the investment industry, China's financial sector is experiencing unprecedented growth. In the heart of this dynamic environment, HerValue emerged in 2021 as a trailblazing force for change. Founded as a philanthropic mutual assistance platform, HerValue set out on a mission to advance women's representation in China's finance and investment industry. Through monthly publications and events in Beijing and Shanghai, HerValue empowered women to prepare for their next career leap, shaping the future of finance.
On March 8, 2023, HerValue made history by hosting China's first-ever diversity and sustainability investment conference, putting diversity and inclusion firmly on the map for the Chinese investment industry.
HerValue has now evolved from publications and events to offer an exclusive and highly selective mentorship program designed to incubate the next generation of women and diverse investment leaders in China. The mentorship program selects students without full-time work experience and lasts for two semesters, from fall to spring. The first cohort, officially inducted in October 2023, comprises eight exceptionally talented mentees from Tsinghua University, Schwarzman College, and Fudan University, with diverse backgrounds and a shared passion for investments. These aspiring leaders are on a mission to revolutionize the industry and bring fresh perspectives to the table.
Throughout the mentorship program, students were granted exceptional, real-world opportunities that deepened their understanding of the investment industry while allowing them to contribute their unique perspectives and value. HerValue facilitated exclusive access to three prestigious investment conferences shown in pictures below — Asian Venture Capital Journal China in Beijing, SALT Asia in Singapore, and the Diversity Inclusion Conference by Asian Venture Capital Journal in Hong Kong—where students not only learned from industry leaders but also forged valuable professional connections.
在辅导计划期间,学生们获得了难得的实践机会,这些机会不仅加深了他们对投资行业的理解,也使他们能够贡献自己独特的视角和价值。HerValue为学生们提供了参加三个著名投资会议的独家机会,如图展示——包括在北京的Asian Venture Capital Journal中国大会、新加坡的SALT Asia大会,以及在香港举办的Asian Venture Capital Journal多元化包容性会议。在这些会议上,学生们不仅向行业领袖学习,还与专业人士建立了宝贵的职业联系。
HerValue Students at Asian Venture Capital Journal China in Beijing and Online
她价值学生们线下在北京和线上参与Asian Venture Capital Journal China
Moreover, the program’s impact was amplified as 3E Bioventures Capital and Marathon Venture Partners proactively offered tailored, informal internship experiences, further enriching the students' journey and preparing them to become the next generation of investment leaders.
Testimonials from Students: 部分学生感言:
Sun Chenhao's Testimonial: "(The significance of the HerValue mentorship program to me) The guidance and role models provided by the mentors, along with the companionship and exchanges with my peers in the program, have helped me gradually understand myself, build confidence, and mature throughout my life, studies, and job search. (What I learned) Never give up on seeking your true self, avoid blind optimism, and learn from every experience and situation, staying true to your conscience. (A memorable moment) When I was struggling the most with my job search, Sister Michelle reminded me not to lose sight of my true self in the midst of temporary panic. She emphasized that choosing a job is also about choosing a lifestyle and seeking meaning."
孙辰昊学生感言:”(她价值辅导项目对我的意义) 前辈的指导和榜样力量以及与项目中其他同辈之间的交流陪伴使我在生活、学习和找工作的过程中逐渐认识自我,并坚定信心,不断成熟。(我学到了) 永远不放弃寻求真我,不盲目乐观,从一切经历与境遇中学习,致吾心之良知。(我记忆深刻的moment)在找工作最不顺利的时候,Michelle姐姐提醒我不要因为一时的慌乱而错失寻求自己内心的本真,工作的选择实际上也是一种生活方式的选择和意义的寻求。“
Ji Yuqi's Testimonial: "In the HerValue mentorship program, I encountered incredibly supportive mentors and peers (especially shoutout to Sister Lily). They care about my well-being, help solve my doubts, and have provided numerous opportunities early in my career development. Through HerValue, I realized the tremendous value of altruism in philanthropic projects.
First of all, without a doubt, the platform and opportunities provided by the HerValue mentorship program allowed me to deeply engage with the investment industry and learn industry knowledge as an intern. Additionally, the women I encountered through HerValue have become great role models, whose achievements and strengths continuously inspire me.
One thing that touched me deeply was that every time Sister Lily called, her first question was always, 'How have you been recently?' We would then have a deep conversation about my life and work, discussing challenges I faced. This connection made me feel valued and supported. Another memorable moment was at the start of the mentorship program when Sister Lily invited us to an investor conference (I can't quite remember the name). The event was filled with industry professionals, and at that time, I was quite socially anxious and unsure of how to participate. Lily encouraged us by saying, 'You should feel particularly proud because you are the only students here, and it’s your uniqueness that makes you all the more worthy of confidence.' Her positive mindset really moved me, and now, I'm much more comfortable with social interactions."
有一个点让我很感动。就是每次Lily学姐打电话过来。第一句都是,“你最近过得怎么样?” 然后我会认真分享我最近的生活和工作,探讨遇到的困境。会觉得彼此之间有非常深的“人与人的链接”。这也是我觉得收到了重视和支持的原因之一。有另外一个点让我印象深刻。她价值辅导计划刚开始的时候,Lily学姐请我们去开投资者大会(我有点忘记具体名字了),去的全都是投资行业的从业者。当时我还很社恐,不太敢也不知道如何参与其中。Lily听后鼓励我们说:“你们应该感到特别自豪,因为你们是这里唯一的学生,正是这份独特让你们更加值得信心满满。" 和我完全不一样的积极思维,很触动我。现在的我,已经并当时会social很多了。"
Qiu Feng's Testimonial: "(The significance of the HerValue mentorship program to you) HerValue showed me more possibilities within myself and introduced me to the experiences of many outstanding female role models (including both our mentors and peers!). Through this process, I achieved a sense of self-harmony, which is a very good state to be in. (What I learned) My interactions with the mentors provided me with numerous suggestions, not just in the field of investment, but also valuable advice for personal development in the long term. I am especially grateful to John for encouraging me to think differently, ask more questions, see what others don't, think a few steps ahead, and always engage in critical thinking. (A memorable moment) The roundtable discussions with everyone, where, as newcomers to the workforce, we exchanged insights with senior professionals about potential challenges we might face and gained confidence and determination to embark on our careers."
邱丰学生感言:”(她价值辅导计划对你的意义) HerValue对我而言让我看到了自身更多的可能性并且也看到了更多优秀女性榜样的经历(无论是我们的导师还是我们的同学都是!),并且在这个过程中我认为自己达到了自洽,这是一种非常好的状态~ (我学到了什么) 和导师的交流中他给到我了许多的建议,而这些建议不仅仅针对投资领域更是从long term看来对个人发展都非常有益的建议。非常感谢John从个人长远发展的角度,让我think differently;多问为什么;去看到别人看不到的信息,比别人多思考几步以及always critical thinking。(比较记忆深刻的moment) 和大家的圆桌讨论,作为即将步入职场新人的我们和senior的前辈交流在日后工作中可能遇到的问题以及前辈传授的经验都让我更加有信心并且更坚定地开启职业生涯!“
Wu Xinya's Testimonial: "The HerValue mentorship program values the voices of young women, allowing me to witness the strength and perseverance of female seniors and peers. It has also given me the privilege of forming my own judgments and thoughts in conversations with the capital market. The inclusiveness and diversity of the program inspire me to continuously grow and progress in career choices, value formation, and self-discovery. I particularly remember one of the exchange trips, where we met professionals from different countries, ages, and professions. Their sharing of workplace experiences and life insights opened a new window to the world for me. The inclusiveness and diversity within the program also motivated me to continuously grow and improve in career choices, value formation, and self-discovery."
2023 Mentorship Program Kick-off Ceremony 2023年辅导计划启航聚会
The 2023 mentorship program successfully concluded in June 2023 where all 8 students have either entered the workforce or continued their studies, marking a significant milestone in HerValue's ongoing mission to cultivate the next wave of investment leaders in China.
2023 HerValue Mentorship Program Graduation Party 2023年她价值辅导计划毕业庆祝
Sincere appreciation towards the 8 mentors who made this program possible:
Partner at Ventech China
Partner at China Renaissance Capital
Founding Partner at 3E Bioventures Capital
Founding Partner at TruMed Investment
Head of Business at Barings
Managing Partner of Huaxing Growth Capital
Managing Director at Marathon Venture Partners
TruMed Investment创始合伙人
Ventech China合伙人
HerValue's mission is to cultivate a new wave of investment leaders in China who are not only skilled but also diverse, driven, and forward-thinking. The selection criteria reflect this vision, requiring mentees to be in their final year of undergraduate study or first year of master’s study, with no full-time work experience. They must have a strong passion, clear goals, and a strategic plan to become investors in China. Additionally, they must currently be based in Beijing or Shanghai, possess an open mind, and demonstrate a self-starting attitude. The 2024 intake targeted students from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Fudan University, with intermediate proficiency in both Mandarin and English. There are no specific major requirements, as the program welcomes students from all academic backgrounds.
As HerValue continues its work, the vision remains clear: to empower and guide the next generation of investment leaders who will redefine the future of China's finance industry with innovation, inclusivity, and impact. The journey is just beginning, and HerValue is committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of its mentees and the broader investment community in China.
World of Allocators is HerValue mentorship program’s exclusive advisory committee institution. World of Allocators (WOA), also known as Capital Allocators China (CAC) is operated by Shanghai Ziben Consulting Management Limited and is the official licensee of the podcast program “Capital Allocators” by Ted Seides in China. WOA/CAC was established in 2020 with the goal of promoting the long-termism and endowment approach of investment in the asset management industry in China. WOA/CAC is an investor community for those who are eager to share and learn, and it serves as a bridge between domestic and overseas practitioners.
配置者的世界(World of Allocators,简称WOA),即资本配置者中国(Capital Allocators China,简称CAC)是在中国资产管理行业推广长期投资和捐赠方法的推动力。WOA是HerValue导师计划的独家顾问委员机构。配置者的世界(WOA)由上海兹本咨询管理有限公司运营,是Ted Seides及其公司的播客节目 “资本配置者”在中国的官方许可方。WOA/CAC成立于2020年,旨在推动中国资产管理行业长期投资和捐赠方法的发展。WOA/CAC是一个为渴望分享和学习的投资者而创建的社群,它也充当国内和海外从业人员之间沟通的桥梁。
Asian Venture Capital Journal (AVCJ) is HerValue’s strategic partner that gives mentees a rare opportunity to participate and attend its conferences in China and Asia. AVCJ hosts annual leading investment conferences named AVCJ China and AVCJ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive (DE&I) Summit. AVCJ DE&I Summit will take place on Monday, November 13th, 2023 in Hong Kong. AVCJ DE&I summit is part of AVCJ private equity and venture capital forum, Asia’s premier private markets gathering. The event, convened by ION Analytics, is comprised of 6 conferences and an awards ceremony that highlights key market opportunities, macroeconomic and strategical issues facing the private equity industry ranging from the latest investment themes and fundraising strategies to best practice ESG and DE&I. Chosen and supported by the industry’s leading players, the AVCJ Forum will engage over 4,200 senior investors, advisors and regulators focused on the private markets of Asia and globally into one platform live in Hong Kong and online creating an unrivalled connected community of peers. More information of the AVCJ DE&I summit can be found here: https://community.ionanalytics.com/avcj-forum-2023/agenda#dei-summitbr13-nov
Asian Venture Capital Journal (AVCJ) 是HerValue的战略合作伙伴,为学员提供了参加中国和亚洲领先投资会议的难得机会。Asian Venture Capital Journal每年都会举办名为AVCJ China和AVCJ Diversity, Equity (DE&I)峰会的年度领先投资会议。今年,AVCJ DE&I峰会将于11月13日星期一在香港举行。AVCJ DE&I峰会是AVCJ Private Equity and Venture论坛的一部分,是亚洲首屈一指的一级市场盛会。这一活动由ION Analytics召开,包括6个会议和颁奖典礼,强调了私募股权行业的关键市场机会、宏观经济和战略性问题,从最新的投资主题和筹款策略到最佳实践的ESG和DE&I。AVCJ论坛得到了业界领先企业的选择和支持,将吸引超过4,200名专注于亚洲和全球私人市场的高级投资者、顾问和监管机构汇聚在一个平台上,既有香港现场又在线,形成了一个无与伦比的同行社群。更多相关信息请访问https://community.ionanalytics.com/avcj-forum-2023/agenda#dei-summitbr13-nov。
Tsinghua University Schwarzman College has greatly supported HerValue in selecting qualified mentees for its mentorship program. Schwarzman Scholars is designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century and beyond. It was inspired by the Rhodes Scholarship, which was founded in 1902 in an effort to promote international understanding and peace. Schwarzman Scholars supports up to 200 Scholars annually from the U.S., China, and around the world for a one-year master’s in global affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghua University — ranked first in Asia as an indispensable base for China’s political, business, and technological leadership. Scholars chosen for this highly selective program will live in Beijing for a year of study and cultural immersion — attending lectures, traveling around the region, and developing a better understanding of China. Admissions opened in the fall of 2015 with outstanding success, immediately making Schwarzman Scholars one of the world’s most selective graduate and fellowship programs.
Tsinghua University x-lab is another academic partner institution to HerValue. Tsinghua x-lab is an educational platform fostering creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship since April 25, 2013. The platform, with three core dimensions: education, cultivation and eco-construction, is committed to developing a feasible and structured supporting system to the the whole innovation process from creating ideas, to making porotypes, and to commercialization. Rooted in the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM), Tsinghua x-lab is the joint project of Tsinghua SEM and 15 schools and departments of Tsinghua University, including Environment, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Materials Science and Engineering, Information Science and Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Law, Arts & Design, Public Policy & Management, Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering, Medicine, Journalism and Communication, Natural Sciences, and Education.
SALT Asia is HerValue’s strategic partner that gives mentees a rare opportunity to participate and attend its conferences in Asia. SALT hosts an annual capital introduction and investment conference. This year it will return to Asia on Tuesday November 14th to Wednesday 16th, 2023 at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. Founded in 2009 by SkyBridge, a global alternative investments firm, SALT brings together the world’s foremost investors and allocators for three days of high-level collaboration and networking. SALT hosts major events in New York, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. Its events are global thought leadership forums devoted to unlocking growth opportunities in the fields of finance, economics, entrepreneurship, public policy, technology, and philanthropy. More information about SALT Asia can be found here: https://www.salt.org/events/2023/asia/overview
SALT Asia同样也是HerValue的战略合作伙伴,为学员提供了参加亚洲会议的难得机会。SALT每年会定期举办融资和投资大会。今年,该活动将于2023年11月14日星期二至16日星期三在新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店举行。SALT由全球投资公司SkyBridge于2009年创立,汇集了全球最重要的投资者和资本分配者,举办进行为期三天的高级知识论坛和社交活动。目前,SALT定期在纽约、新加坡和阿布扎比举办全球思想领袖论坛,致力于解锁金融、经济、创业、公共政策、技术和慈善领域的增长机会。有关SALT Asia的更多信息,请访问https://www.salt.org/events/2023/asia/overview。